What to Look For When You Buy a Baby Monitor

By Manueel Jacky

Choosing a baby monitor is not as easy as it used to be, and even just a decade ago, your options were pretty limited. Now there are monitors that will do just about everything short of diapering your child while you take a nap. Perhaps you only need a monitor which can transmit sounds, or maybe you want something more complex that can record both audio and visual surveillance, but either way, all you have to do is use these tips as a guide when choosing your next baby monitor.

The price is always going to play a key role in your final decision. It is ok to have a budget; however you should not make your decision based solely on how much it will cost you. The best thing to do when it comes to the price of a system, is to simply use the price as way to measure out how many features you are getting for that price. Keep in mind that a system chosen solely because it is the “cheapest” may have a higher chance of malfunctioning, which is not a risk you want to be taking with your baby either. In the end, the most important thing is that you weigh out all of the options and features you will be getting for the cost.

How much surveillance are you looking for? Some parents prefer the comfort of a system which can track literally everything that is going on while they are not in the room, down to the last detail. Some other parents may simply find it too overbearing or nerve racking to actually sit and watch or hear every little noise or occurrence that comes from the room. But if you are looking for a system that has added monitoring to feel secure, you will want to look into systems which have audio and video features. You may find that more extensive systems eat up a lot of your time and defeat the purpose of a monitoring system, because while you are outside of the room, you are still spending all of your time watching your baby…which means you get nothing else done. Keep in mind that the system you choose should only reflect the important needs of your family, and it does not mean that you are a good or bad parent if you choose a system which only has audio monitoring capabilities.

There are many ways to narrow down your choices so that you can choose the right monitor for your home. Considering things like the shape, size, and cost of the monitor should all be an important factor in your final decision. If you start shopping without thinking of what you really want or need, you could end up wasting a lot of your valuable time, just take your time and research before you start shopping.

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