Walking In Style In Your New High Heel Shoes

By Allison Rossino

You purchased this gorgeous pair of high heel shoes and now are experiencing a dilemma since you have never worn heels that were so high. You are not the only person having this problem so be encouraged. With a little time and practice you will find yourself doing just fine. Here are a few simple tips on getting over your fears and walking in style.

For most persons it can be very painful the first time they try walking in a pair of new shoes much less a pair of high heel shoes which can be downright intimidating. The good thing is that once you have mastered that initial fear then in no time you will be walking in style. You have to break in your new shoes before you take them out on the road and the best way to do this is to walk at home in them for a couple of days. There are a number of ways that this can be done such as wearing them for a small period of time each day, applying padding at the heel and under the soles, walking close to supportive structures to name a few.

Wearing your high heel shoes at least a half an hour each day will allow your foot to adapt to the new height and feel. Start when you are at home, either in the morning before you leave or in the evening when you get home ensuring to remove them if it starts to hurt. Doing this for a couple weeks while increasing the time you spend in them will allow your feet to become accustomed to the new shoes and also give you the experience of maintaining your balance. If this is your first time wearing high heel shoes then it is advisable that you start off with medium heels instead of the very high heels. If you have a job that entails your standing or walking a lot it is best not to wear high heels as you do not want to damage your back or your feet.

It is not true that all high heel shoes are uncomfortable, if you purchase proper fitting shoes you can wear them comfortably. To avoid chafing of the feet or bunions on the feet, heel inserts and gel pads can be obtained at any shoe outlet or even at the drugstore. These when inserted in the heel and under the sole of the feet provides comfort to the wearer. You can also find things that make your shoes skid free for sale from these stores as well. For a cost free alternative, you can also rub the bottom of the shoe on any rough surface to make it skid resistant.

A simple trick to walking in high heel shoes is to stay close to supportive structures. For the first few days, or until you get the hang of walking in your high heels, it is advisable that you stay close to supportive structures such as walls or railings. This will allow you to have some support in the event that you find yourself tripping. Also walk at a steady and upright pace as this will help to boost your confidence and also prevent you from falling.

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