Log Home Restoration Versus Log Home Kits

By Devon Simon

Log home restoration is considered the main problem and largest expenditure for log property owners. Considering that wood is a natural substance in your log properties, it must be taken care of at regular intervals so as to prevent your finish from crashing and possibly growing rot fungus resulting in untold damage to your house. In case the property has been deserted, then to bring it back to its former beauty, you might have to perform a full exterior property renovation. Log home restoration is a skilled, labor-intensive process which needs competent specialists to carry it out to an appropriate standard.

A log cabin kit is a pre-fabricated layout, in case you do not have access to timber yet would like to build your property in accordance with your personal design, you could get pre-fabricated logs specifically made for log cabins. The logs are going to be proved with shaven, sanded, dried, as well as cut for various kinds of placement for various styles. This is a great option in case you wish to construct your cabin in keeping with your own design, yet don't have the means or the tolerance for cutting the wood yourself. With pre-fabricated logs you could get logs cut to the specifics of your design and style for simple construction. This would commonly likewise provide the most modern overall look for your cabin, considering that the logs would be machine cut and even. Nonetheless, the cut of the logs is limited to the supplier's catalog and your design will have to bend to what is readily available in some instances.

Purchasing a log home kit is normally more costly than cutting down trees yourself or purchasing logs locally. However the price of kits can differ broadly based on the size of the property as well as the quality of materials used. The prices for log homes of 1,000 sq. ft. and under could range between $4,800 and $28,500. Much larger homes, needless to say, cost more. The total price of putting up a log property can be as much as twice the cost of the kit itself. This includes such expenses as site preparation, the foundation and additional materials in order to finish the log cabin and the expense of shipping the kit to the construction site.

Though, you can save around 15% of the total cost by constructing your own log home the traditional method and serving as your own general contractor. Yet building your property the traditional method would require you to know a unique knowledge on cabin construction something which not every builder has knowledge to. Thus, be ready to spend more money by getting a professional log cabin contractor.

Now you know each side of log home restoration and log cabin kits, it's best you do some research yourself. Hence, you are going to get a much better understanding on which method is perfect for you and your budget. Remember, a log cabin is nothing like a typical house, it is high in maintenance and upkeep. Hence, next time you need to update your log cabin you have a clear idea which is cheaper as well as works for your lifestyle.

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