How to Secure Your Computer Using Wi-Fi Public Network

By Jon Johnson

With so many people using the internet, even various establishments uses this to strategize on encouraging customers to go to their establishment and enjoy free Wi-Fi internet access since more and more people uses internet every day. As there are many of these establishments offering free Wi-Fi public network, the threat of security to one's access accounts and emails are also at risk of being used and accessed. To avoid any more threat and unauthorized access to your accounts and emails during connecting to a public Wi-Fi, the following are some good and effective tips for you to use. On a different note, to have the best web hosting services, Singapore Web Hosting could be your option.

When accessing the internet with a Wi-Fi public network, one security tip is to avoid going to websites that you use for business transactions of any sort or for your private transactions, some of this include billing transactions, shopping, banking transactions and other more to prevent other users or hackers from using your account for their own advantage. To be on the safe side, access only these websites when you are in your office or home that you are sure of the security and privacy you have control with.

Now to be more aware and knowledgeable of the websites that are protected, those that has addresses with "http" in them is more secured rather than those that only uses "http". So when you are accessing websites that needs your confidential details and information be more careful, log off immediately once you are not using the website anymore.

Your security settings are also essential when using a Wi-Fi public network. Check out your control panel and go to the "sharing options". Turn off all that allows unauthorized access to your account like network discovery to appear invisible to other Wi-Fi internet users, your public sharing folders to avoid anyone seeing all of your files and important folders that they may use and access too.

And last is to make sure you have all the software needed for security like anti-virus, anti-spyware and even firewall installed. This way you are sure that you are far from being attacked as well as you accounts from being hacked when using the public Wi-Fi, make sure that you have the latest versions of these software. Always turn off your internet access connection when not in use to be more secure. For web hosting needs, go for Singapore web hosting.

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