Halloween T-Shirts Or Costumes?

By Peter Mills

There is a meteoric rise in the popularity of Halloween t-shirts in recent years, and this year may showcase them as never before. Halloween among adults has always been dominated by provocative costumes and drinking, but the Halloween t-shirt has been tempting the men away from the time and effort of preparing a costume. Where does the Halloween t-shirt fit into the grand scheme of things this All Hallow's Eve? Well, here's a prediction of the top five costumes this season.

1. The ladies sure do love pussy-footing around on Halloween while wearing this slinky costume. The cute cat ears, the sexy tail, and a catty attitude are all it takes to pull this outfit off.

2. The nurse is a fairly common sight during Halloween, and not because of a sudden rise in a need for immediate medical attention. Some of the nurses you'll see will certainly make you feel like you may be having heart problems, however. Tight tops, short skirts, white stockings, and high heels make you wonder how comfortable an eight-hour shirt in the ER would really be in that outfit.

3. Why is it that angels became the sex-driven, scantily-clad seductresses that have sprung up in recent years? Is there some Biblical scripture that describes them as wearing lingerie and high heels? Whatever the reason for the angelic host's sexual revolution, I remain thankful.

4. Here is where I believe Halloween t-shirts will fall within the ranks of popularity this year. well behind the most popular costumes, but still easily within the top five. If you doubt me, count the number of Halloween-themed t-shirts you see at the parties you attend this year. Halloween t-shirts are perfect for the lazy male who doesn't get his costume together until the last minute...so...you know...most of us.

5. The wicked witch has changed the meaning of the word "wicked" for many of us in recent years. Not too long ago, that wickedness was spawned from burning poor scarecrows alive and being cruel to Scottish terriers. Now, they get their wickedness from sexy, low-cut tops and black stockings. That's a spell I'd like put on me any time of the year.

Halloween is a good time for all, but it's been growing in attendance amongst adults every year. Halloween t-shirts may be overtaking the costumes in common usage, but that doesn't mean that the spirit of Halloween is dampened...in fact, those spirits may be more restless than ever.

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