Turning The Loots Into the WoW Gold

By Rusty Gollehon

Pretty much every monster (mob) in the game drops something. Even if it's only through your skinning skill. Also, every monster shares certain drop tables, which just means that it has a chance to drop something interesting beyond the vendor junk. But most of what drops is vendor junk, especially at the lower levels. At very high levels the vendor junk is in fact worth something and you'll make a fair amount of Wow gold selling it to the vendors.

Keep an eye on what drops, though. At any level, outside the starting areas, you might find items with white names (rather than grey) Linen cloth is an example. Anything and everything with a white name (or green or blue or purple(!!)) should be sold on the auction house, if you're not going to use it immediately.

Linen cloth is used for basic 1st aid and in basic tailoring recipes, so it's in pretty high demand. this drops from any humanoid type mob (including undead) and sells wellAll the cloth types sell well. Wool cloth is a hot seller and also the prices are usually pretty high. You can use WoWheadcom to look up mobs that drop wool cloth, or any cloth, and farm all of them until boredom sends you back to the battlegrounds.

It's all about knowing the ins and outs of the auction house and how to benefit from it. As mentioned above you will need some add-ons to make your life easier but you will even need to know how you can make the most of them. If your searching for a full, step by step Gold assist you may want to check out Hit the Gold Limit in WoW. Its obtained 5 full modules that will help you increase your gold faster then you might imagine.

Now that you understand why your farming and exactly how your going to farm it, find a farm place! Of course your likely to have to await it to come out to start farming gold on cataclysm, but you can know what to expect now. So certainly after you start leveling in order to 85 you will know where and how to farm.

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