How To Use the R4 Card

By John Collins

The Nintendo DS can do a lot of stuff and that is why it was hailed as one of the best portable gaming devices to have ever been designed when it first came out. It can be used for playing an incredible amount of games and you can even use it for connecting with friends through chatting if they are near enough. All these features make the Nintendo DS a really extraordinary piece of device. But if you want it to do a lot more then that is now possible with the r4 cards that are now available for the device.

With the R4 card installed into your device you can change the amazing console from Nintendo and enhance its capabilities to a great degree. With the card you can start using the device for playing movies, music and even use it for displaying text files which is really pushing the boundaries of portable gaming console.

1. The thing is that you will not be able to buy these card son the regular stores. You can only get them from the Interent. There are several retailers selling this card and don't worry it is not illegal to buy them.

2. Once you have the card you can download the latest firmware for it in case it was not shipped out with.

3. Connect the card to your computer using an adapter. Open the file of the firmware and then transfer its contents to the card. Your card should be ready to go after that. You just have to make sure that you did everything right.

4. Connect the card to the gaming console and then turn it on. The card would soon take over and you would not see whatever menu it was that you have in the console before you installed the r4 card on it. You should be getting 3 options one is for gaming, another for media and the last one allows you to boot a game from slot-2.

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