A Guide To Rudimentary Information For Everlasting Finger-Nails

By Alexandra Williams

Imagine browsing through skin care aisles and finding that one, perfect product that boasts of all-natural ingredients. Serendipity, right? Then you go and read the label expecting to find a virtual salad but instead finding yourself reading benzoic acid, butyl stearate, and some totally unpronounceable names. You're no botanist but you're sure that those stuff don't grow on trees. This is because most commercial items meant for skin care nowadays contain preservatives and other chemicals to maintain their consistency and shelf life. Problem is, most of these chemicals can actually irritate more sensitive skin.

What solution is there for this kind of crisis? Simple. Mix your own, homemade skin care line. There's nothing to it as most ingredients are found in your fridge or fruit basket. All-natural skin recipes are easily found in the Internet or even in magazines. Usually, these skin care mixes are composed of a combination of one or two fruits. Combinations like these can include either the fruit pulp, fruit juice, or both. Milk, water or honey are usually added to smoothen the mixture. Add-ons such as oatmeal, wheat germ, brown sugar, and dried herbs are also included for more specialized concoctions such as a pimple treatment, flaking, and oily skin.

• Fight Bacteria and Germs: Hourihan says Playtex Living Gloves have Ultra-Fresh anti-microbial protection to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew. The gloves also provide excellent hot-water protection. • Protect Your Manicure: Your hands are your ultimate accessory and you'll want them to look good in any season. Wearing gloves whenever you're cleaning will help your manicures last longer and keep your nails from becoming brittle.

Natural skin care routine have many advantages. First, the ingredients are easily available and the choices are great. They are also natural, thus, greatly reducing risks of allergies or skin irritations. Second, the ingredients are cheap, which translates into more savings more you. Third, you can modify the recipes to suit your needs.

"My hands aren't just important to me, they're my business. So I make it my business to take care of them," says Ellen Sirot, top NYC hand model, Ford Models. "Whenever I do anything that can damage my hands, such as housework, washing dishes or even gardening, I always wear my Playtex Living Gloves."

If your nail surface is a bit uneven or lacks radiance you can select to use a buffer to buff the top of your nail to give it a spontaneous shine and evenness. However don't recourse to buffing more than a couple of times every three weeks or so as it strips the nail of its natural oils and also thins the nail, making it weaker and more vulnerable to damage. Always top a buffing session with an application of a nail strengthener.

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