Nursing Schools In Los Angeles:Los Angeles Southwest College is Comprehensive Community College

By John Roney

Choosing what college or university to attend is a daunting task. There are a ton of higher education institutions in the United States to choose from. There are a number of wonderful schools that exist but it is helpful to have information on the best of the best. Public colleges and universities tend to be more inexpensive than private and looking into the top ten public colleges and universities are a great place to begin your research. A top public school according to some research is the University of California Berkley. It is located in the San Francisco Bay area in an urban setting. The number of enrolled students is fairly high, but only a small percentage of applicants are actually admitted each fall. In-state applicants can expect a tuition rate that falls on the lower end of the spectrum, while out-of-state students can expect a rate of nearly double that per year. The university has a thriving campus with a large amount of student organizations as well as plentiful fraternities and sororities. It was first founded over a hundred years ago, and his been thriving ever since. The university also has a high four-year graduation rate that's above average.

Campus of the college is located at the intersection of Western Avenue and Imperial Highway in South Los Angeles. It serves both African Americans and Latinos. Numerous programs for the transfer students throughout the country are offered by the college. Training is provided on workforce areas like occupations based on technology, electronics, music technology, theater production, and business. Associate degrees with majors on business administration, drafting, interdisciplinary studies, child development, sociology, nursing, speech communication, political science and multiple other disciplines are provided. In addition there are many certificate programs like fingerprinting, finance, supervision, management, small entrepreneurship, legal office assistant, banking, receptionist, quality control, chemical dependency counselor, real estate appraisal, and others.

Programs basically for transfer students, ESL and citizenship classes are offered by the institute. It has also undertaken a massive program to create green campus conforming to the LEED standards. In fact the college is a good platform for migrating to four year California State University, Cal - Berkeley, and also the University of Southern California, the popular abode for transfer students.

College also publishes The Word, a journal where interested students can contribute and there is an Art Gallery displaying works of students. Los Angeles Southwest College follows open admission policy. Neither diploma from high schools nor official transcripts are required. International students have to provide proof of finances for boarding and lodging as well as other expenses. They also require graduation from a high school or equivalent of one in United States with a score of 450 on TOEFL or score of 45 in the Internet version of the test.

Student Support and Financial Aids. Nursing Schools In Los Angeles Southwest College offers remedial services, academic and career counseling, PT cost defraying employment, and career placement and on campus day care services. Financial assistance includes federal, state, local, and institutional grants, scholarships and student loan aids. Extensive undergraduate morning or evening classes are also available. Details of the assistances offered can be seen on the state university website.

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