Marketing Online Using Search Engine Marketing

By Alex Blaken

Website marketing should always begin with SEO for the simple reason that all the link building and blogging and blog commenting in the world isn't worth a hill of beans if you haven't done the SEO homework first. How can you do your link building effectively if your website has not been optimized with the proper keyword phrases?

Doing SEO by hand is not only annoying but horribly time consuming. Yet there are people out there who still do it that way. Me? Maybe you can afford the wasted time but I can't.

There is SEO software and SEO tools for linkbuilding, running reports, spying on competitors, doing keyword research, hunting up new niches to dominate and all the other things you need to do to make a real living from Internet marketing and website marketing. So you can cut your SEO time to one quarter of what you're doing now or you can keep doing it the hard way. It's your call.

Now, I'm going to assume you plan to take the sensible approach and keep your manual labor to a minimum. Sure, you're thinking. That's easy for you to say. But which backlink SEO software or services should I use?

Let's look at the important SEO software factors.

* Do you want a complete system? Are you the "hit a homerun" person or do you value "steady base hits?"

* The size of your budget is always a factor. Few of us have unlimited resources at the start.

* Do you want to use an online SEO system that you can use from your laptop on the beach in Cancun or do you want to download a software system so you maintain complete control?

It's always depended on how I would use it as to whether I buy the software or "rent" it. We all have our priorities but I have two different tools for blog commenting. One is Lotus Jump (an online subscription tool) and the other is Comment Hut (a purchased software). I use them both and I'd hate to be without either one. I also have three different tools I use for organic SEO. Why? Because none of them is perfect. Each one is really good for what I want it to do and supplemented with the other programs, the three of them are a killer knockout punch.

No SEO software package is perfect for everything. There are good systems and there are bad systems. But you will never get just one system that does everything for you. It doesn't exist.

If you'd like to read a couple of SEO tool reviews...

Two small simple complimentary software packages you should consider are the best article spinner and SEO Linkvine. One is designed to spin articles into hundreds of unique articles and the other gets your articles posted on blogs all over the Internet. Intrigued? Click the links and read the reviews. This software is rarely free. Most of it costs something. Therefore, you should read my reviews to at least get a solid understanding of what I found to be their strengths and their weaknesses.

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