Very Discreet Way Of Protecting Oneself From Danger

By Sue K Wouod

In all chances, normal folks can't sense forthcoming danger simply by looking about. Of course, too, you are jerking your own chain by thinking that wrongdoers surface slovenly whereas individuals that look good mean well.

So, I ask you: if you can't identify a criminal but a crook can say that you are armed, have you not by now lost the advantage? I wound up with a hot pink Mace pepper spray, as strange as it seems, because I needed all the fighting opportunities that I can muster.

One of my very first opinions of self-defense weapons was the glum and also scary look about them. I can understand that this was one more kind of intimidation, which could do the job so perfectly if only I carried the menacing mug as well as muscles to match.

Sadly, I look some way that makes these types of units stand out like a sore thumb whenever worn on my person. Before I chanced on a shockingly pink Mace, I scrambled to look for a suited non deadly defense spray for, well, a lady who looks like one.

From the start, I had my sights fixed on small pepper sprays as these could easily fit into most any pocket or bag. What others don't also understand is that really small pepper sprays are ideal to conceal in the hand where they remain undetectable by potential predators.

I became positive once I found out about so-called personal pepper sprays. Those turned out to be key chain defense sprays in either injection-molded or leatherette holsters that came in many different shades. The hot pink Mace spray was basically made for me.

Surely, I'm not just about the outside. The Mace Personal Model Hot Pink 10% pepper spray could fire 10 one-second bursts as far as 8 to 12 feet out. Moreover, this 18-gram OC formulation consists of UV marking dye.

I had learned previously that OC pepper spray results in constant coughing, suffocation and the eyes to close forcibly on top of acute burning pain. My own unabashedly pink Mace is one tough cookie while looking simple, just the way I need.

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