Hypertension and How To Lower it Naturally

By Christian Goodman

High blood pressure is considered the main cause for some of the most common, deadly diseases traumatizing the human raise today.

Diseases that include kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol. Just to name a few examples of many.

Unfortunately, doctors default on the only solution they have; subscribing more and more drugs. Drugs that end up creating several, often deadly, side effects that have been proven to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The fact is, high blood pressure is relatively easy to control using natural methods and change in lifestyle. It's therefore sad that it takes so many unnecessary lives.

Working out a little bit and eating good, healthy diet supports almost anyone to lower their blood pressure seriously. In many cases, that's even all needed to get blood pressure down to normal level.

Diet and exercises however only address the main cause of hypertension in a very limited way. The main cause of hypertension is without a doubt stress.

Our bodies respond with hypertension even if we're not consciously aware that we're suffering stress and anxiety.

Stress is however not an unbeatable obstacle. There are so many things you can do to fight it. These include things like lowering workload, get a good night sleep, workout, and lower your work load.

At this point you're probably (and rightfully) thinking this is easier said than done. After all who has the time to go to the gym every day? And can we really get away with throwing away half our daily tasks? Not to mention the discipline it would take to eliminate all worries.

That's where special mind body exercises come in handy.

Repeated studies have proven mediation, mind-body and relaxation exercises unbelievable effective to lower high blood pressure.

Doing relaxation, meditation or mind/body exercises for only ten to twenty minutes per day has been proven to help bringing blood pressure down twenty to thirty points. Most of the common used high blood pressure drugs can't beat this.

What's even more important is the lack of side effects. So you can relax knowing that you're not causing other health problems while lowering your blood pressure.

So to most effectively naturally tackle hypertension, take 10 - 15 minutes per day for mind/body exercises, improve your diet and work out a little bit more.

I know it's a little bit more work than popping pills but it is much more effective than drugs to lower blood pressure and tackle stroke and heart attack. Plus you'll never have to suffer those nasty side effects again.

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