How To Play Blackjack Game

By John Fair

Blackjack, also referred to as twenty one is a very popular casino card game which involves betting. The game can also be played online. This article gives you tips on how to play blackjack online.

The main object is to beat the dealer. That way one wins the game. It involves comparing. One has to reach the card value of twenty one or as close as possible to it without exceeding it. If one exceeds it, they automatically lose the game.

The suits of the card do not matter. Cards valued two to ten are taken for face value. The face cards, otherwise known as jack, queen and king are of the value of ten. An ace is worth either one or twenty one; whichever is preferable for the holder. For example, if you have a two and an ace, the value is either three or thirteen.

The game is played using either a single deck or with two, six, four or eight deck with fifty two cards. After the deal, everyone checks their cards. If the value exceeds twenty one then that is a bust and an automatic loss. When the person dealing busts, you win. Players must always act first. This means that if any one player busts they lose, whether the dealer gets a bust or not.

Generally, a game consists of around six players. Prior to anyone can receiving any cards, they place their bets. Then the dealer deals everyone two cards each, one facing up and the other facing down. The cards are checked. If one has a ten and an ace, they have a blackjack and win one and a half times the amount of their bet. Nevertheless, if the dealer gets twenty one it is a push and that player gets their initial money back.

It is a general rule that when the dealer has seventeen of higher, he stays and when he has sixteen or lower he draws. When a player wins, the remaining ones compare their values. If they are higher than the dealer but fewer than twenty one, they get their bet money back. When they are lower than the dealer, they lose their bet. If a dealer busts, then all the players win.

One can split their hand, but only if the initial cards are of an equal value. Each of them starts their own hand and an equal bet is placed on the new hand. There are several versions of blackjack depending on where you are playing but the general rules and the object remain the same.

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