Doxazosin side effects: Important Information About Doxazosin

By Jason Li

Doxazosin is a drug prescribed to those who suffer from high blood pressure or benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Doxazosin relaxes the vessels and muscles in these areas which allows blood to flow more easily through, helping with the healthy flow of circulation.

A List Of The Various Doxazosin Side Effects

Doxazosin side effects vary. Here is a list of symptoms:


shortening of the breath

increased weight gain

head aches

swelling in the hands, lower leg, or ankles

runny nose

muscle pain, joint pain, and general weakness

decreased sexual ability

More Severe Doxazosin Side Effects?

The more severe doxazosin side effects are more serious in nature and if you feel you have symptoms of these you need to talk to your doctor right away. These side effects are:

Heart issues (fast, pounding, irregular beat)

Chest pain

Erections that last more than four hours or painful erections

severe shortness of breath

If you experience any of the doxazosin side effects listed above, and if they are severe or persistent, you should call your doctor and inform them of how you are feeling. Keep in mind that doxazosin can cause other side effects not listed above. If you feel you have symptoms of anything unusual while taking doxazosin you should consider letting your doctor know.

Also note that not everyone will experience doxazosin side effects. Most people will not have side affects and respond well to it. Typically, when doxazosin side effects occur, they are minor in nature and will usually not require any additional treatment. If additional treatment is needed, they usually are minor in nature, and something your local health care provider can easily take care of. Again, definitely let your doctor know if you are experiencing any doxazosin side effects to be on the safe side.

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant let your doctor know. If you are currently using other medication let your doctor know, as there can be complications while taking doxazosin with other drugs. It is important to disclose everything with your doctor to prevent any doxazosin mesylate side effects.

Doxazosin mesylate is manufactured under the brand name Cardura and Cardura XL. There are generic brands of Doxazosin available at a lower cost. Check with your doctor what these are.

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