The Best Animated Scriptures bible story videos

By Yvonne Brixey

Have you ever wanted to better understand the wonderful stories of the scriptures? Or, have you ever wished that those scriptures and scripture stories were simplified or even animated to appeal to your young children? What about wishing that your child's favorite stories were about prophets hero classics? Look, no more. A group of wonderful LDS men and women, including Orson Scott Card and James Rich- both talented and well-known writers and animators- created the Living Scriptures DVD and VHS series! Living Scriptures is a wonderful collection of animated stories put to video that tell classic scripture and Book of Mormon stories. The stories are not scripturally accurate, but concise and entertaining to help appeal to little ones.

These specialized Bible story videos and Book of Mormon stories portrayed by Living Scriptures are meant to be learning resources for families and bring the message of Jesus Christ and the scriptures to all people, especially Mormons. They are not only entertaining and wholesome but inspiring for all ages. The Living Scriptures portray the prophets and their lives in a way that makes them hero classics! It will surprise you how even animated stories will touch your heart and teach you new lessons from the scriptures! One of the messages the founders of Living Scriptures want to impress upon people is their power to provide a good influence on their children through the media. They suggest that instead of forcing the Spirit out with worldly media and all that it insinuates, we can invite a wonderful, Christ-centered atmosphere into our homes through these educational and inspirational Living Scriptures stories.

As a product, these living scriptures videos are marketed to Mormon families, specifically, but also to other Christians as well. In order to maximize profits, Living Scriptures DVDs are available in most LDS book stores, like Deseret Book, or other stores that capitalize on the LDS book industry. There are currently no other products on the market to compete with Living scriptures. So although in the Living Scriptures business model there is a need for sales people, the Living Scriptures DVD's truly sell themselves! There is so much to be learned and gained from having your family watch any of the animated stories in Living Scriptures.

Living Scriptures have these animated versions of scripture stories, but also they have produced a collection of docudramas about modern Mormon prophets and their lives. The films even sometimes include real papers or photographs relating to that prophet. Important scenes from the prophet's life are recreated and combined with the knowledge of experts and the wide expanse of the LDS book industry’s information concerning these modern-day heroes into a single movie forum. One of the more recently released videos includes one of the life of Gordon B. Hinckley. Not only has Living Scriptures produced the Modern Prophets Hero series, but also a collection of Mormon History Docudramas, detailing the major events in the restoration up to current missionary work being done around the world.

All of the Living Scriptures Series are unique in their own right, but they share their ability to teach and inspire people in all situations and of all ages who enjoy the stories in the scriptures and learning about the gospel.

The Best Animated Scriptures

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