For Effective Raccoon Removal Toronto Homeowners Should Contact Professionals

By Sadie Wyatt

Although a raccoon may seem like a cute and friendly little critter, in truth they are destructive, disease carrying and aggressive animals. When the need arises for raccoon removal Toronto homeowners should never attempt to remove them without the help of an animal control professional.

Raccoons can be problem pests outside of your house. They are notorious for destroying trash cans, carrying garbage throughout the yard. If you have pets and leave the pet food outside, raccoons will eat all of the food and may bite your pet should they try to interfere with the raccoon eating.

Raccoons carry diseases and parasites that they leave in their feces. When there is feces around your yard from the animal, your family can become very sick and if someone gets bit, they may get rabies from the raccoon.

Raccoons are not typically fearful of humans, making it difficult to scare them off and they can become very aggressive if they are cornered. When small children are outside playing a raccoon will not be afraid to encounter the child which could result in bites.

Raccoons can get into the house from vents or other openings and take up residency in your home. Once they have found a home in your attic, basement, walls or crawlspace they will begin to slowly destroy your home. These animals chew on gas lines, wires and the insulation in the attic which can cause a fire or an explosion if gas lines are destroyed. They leave feces everywhere they travel, which also has parasites and diseases that can get into your air-conditioning or heating ducts, become airborne and make your family very ill.

For the most efficient raccoon removal Toronto residents need to have a professional animal control company. If you catch the animal and manage to get it out of your house, there is a risk of babies still being hidden somewhere in the house. You will not know the babies are in there until they die and begin to smell. Calling a professional means they will go to all lengths to remove not only the adult raccoon, but the babies as well.

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