How to Remove Blackheads Forever?

By Peter Skonctue

Who can't relate to those painful, disgusting pimples? Why not add a few blackheads, you already feel like a monster. Acne doesn't care who you are, it goes after who you want when it wants. Not only do you need to clear the acne, but also know how to remove blackheads.

Clearing blackheads is a delicate process. It's easy to leave a scar. Do you know how to remove blackheads in a way that you won't regret later?

Have you tried cleaning your skin multiple times each day? If not, don't! All that rubbing will irritate your skin and strip it of important, necessary oils. In fact, using too much facial cleanser could lead to swelling and unfortunately, infection.

Just imagine blackheads to be a side effect of acne. Do you squeeze pimples? Of course you do not; that same rule applies to blackheads. They are extremely stubborn, so do not squeeze them. Trying to pop them out is only going to aggravate the problem.

To remove blackheads effectively you need a hot clean washcloth. Wash the affected area very carefully with an antiseptic cleanser, one that consists of salicylic acid is best. This is going to keep the skin moist. Put that hot washcloth on your face for around 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure that the temperature of the washcloth is bearable.

This is going to loosen the hold of the blackheads in your skin, without causing any further damage to it. These blackheads can easily be removed after the hot washcloth treatment has been done, by just washing the affected area again with the cleanser and a clean tissue.

If you have stubborn blackheads, try this idea out. Ever heard of castor oil? That's right, we using castor oil, but not to ingest. Before you go to sleep, rub a bit of castor oil over the blackheads. In the morning your skin will be softer and thus, easier to wash out the blackheads. For optimum results, apply the castor oil for seven nights. The morning of the eighth day will reward you with significantly clearer skin.

Glycerin is also known to safely soften the skin. Apply a dab to your face before going to bed and you will remove them more easily in the morning.

Neutrogena puts out a very good soap that keeps the pores of your skin unclogged. It helps in the removal of excess oil that cause blackheads and acne, and should be used 3 times a day for the best results.

Finally, you know the secret about how to remove blackheads! Instead of fighting them in the future, prevent them from coming back. Drinking lots of water helps to keep your body healthy and face clear. Also, take note if you are under additional stress and give yourself time to relax and rest.

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