Effective Ways to Influence the Government

By Dmitry Vasenyov

If an individual wants to affect the policy of his country he joins the movements, group or party which political position is the same or close to his own. As a member of the party he can show his activity in the organization and in this way to have a permanent and the most effective influence on the government's decisions.

Sometimes citizens, parties or groups require a revision of the state decisions if they consider these decisions unfair. They make the authorities to change their decisions by writing petitions, making speeches on radio and television. The problem becomes public outcry and the authorities have to solve the problem and change their decisions.

When petitions do not work mass protests can be an effective way to solve the problem. For examples mass protests of doctors, teachers, bus drivers, miners against bad working conditions, low salary, late payments are known all over the world. This form of activity is called protest form as in this case people show their protest or negative reaction to the current situation in the country.

Democratic elections are the advanced form of political participation in democratic society. It is guaranteed by constitution. Each individual has the right to participate in election and it is very important and responsible act of activity as each individual elects his representative in the state body or in other authorities. Any citizen must remember that election promises require critical attitude as it is a great danger to be influenced by populism. Populism is an activity used to make some candidate or party popular among masses at the cost of demagogic slogans and unreasonable promises. So each person must resist the emotions and first impression and make a reasonable choice. If many people vote for the same candidate he will become their representative.

Referendums are closely related to elections - to vote on legislation or other issues.

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