Be Sure Your Hobby And Interests Section Effective On Your Job Application

By Vincent Gale

Never make the mistake so many other individuals continually make on their resumes when recording their hobbies and interests. A lot more, occupation applications are requesting individuals to submit their favorite hobbies and interests. Never let this chance pass you by. Distinguish yourself from the herd.

Most people think that the hobbies and pastimes section of your job application isn't that big of a deal and can be just completed with some filler answers like: hiking, sports, music and the like.

Do Not Be Dull!

Take this chance to be different and make a list of some intriguing interests that will make you get noticed. These hobbies can be quite a great icebreaker for your interviewer to ask you about as soon as you get the job interview. Consider it, if the interviewer is looking over your resume that appears similar with regards to credentials to everyone else's but then they happen to notice that you're a big fan of collecting vintage Roman coins, this could make you differentiate yourself from the bunch.

That being said, you don't need to go crazy detailing all sorts of strange hobbies. Try and intermix intriguing sounding interests with interests which are appropriate to the occupation you are trying to get. That isn't to say that you should invent anything!

Always make an effort to be particular about your hobbies. Don't just list something like: reading. Rather, choose something such as: I enjoy studying ancient Norse mythology. Being particular and different can get you remembered. And being remembered is the first step in getting asked back for that interview.

Try and tailor your hobbies and interests to the position and possible interviewer you are facing. For example, if you apply for a business related job try and select some of your hobbies that can display certain qualities that you have that will help you in a business world.

If you think you just do not have any hobbies that are of great interest or especially distinctive, you've got two choices:

1. Find a method of phrasing your existing hobbies and interests in a very specific and intriguing way.

2. Better still, get out there and acquire new intriguing hobbies and pastimes that will not only offer you a advantage in your next resume writing session but it will enhance your life and provide you intriguing things to discuss in an interview environment.

So to sum up, make sure you do not ignore the power of the hobbies and interests section of your resume or job application. It can really give you a leg up over a majority of candidates.

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