Never Get the Common Cold

By Athena Hunter

Where staying healthy is concerned, everyone knows just how important it is to take in enough Vitamin C. People are informed repeatedly how useful Vitamin C is to staying healthy. When you get the flu, what's the first thing folks tell you? "Take a tablet of Vitamin C!" Today, however, there is a small bit of concern over whether Vitamin C would stop the common cold at all.

By now you have no doubt already been told about Echinacea. The thought is that, if you take an Echinacea supplement as soon as you feel a cold setting in, you can keep it from really grabbing hold of you. Recently, however, studies have proven that Echinacea provides little more than a placebo effect for the people suffering from cold and flu symtoms. At most the supplement cuts the cold's duration by twenty hours. It isn't a solution.

How does one keep the colds from getting the better of a person? Here are a few ideas to actually give you a hand.

1. Wash the hands. Clean the hands plenty. This is perhaps the best and most successful way to keep the common cold at a distance. How come this can be so successful? Think about it. Our hands and wrists come into contact with a lot more cold and flu virus than any other part of our body. Did you ever before look at all the things you touch each day? Every time you feel one thing that has already been touched by someone with the flu, you increase your chances of getting sick. The more regularly you wash your hands, the less likely it is that one of the microbes you have contact with will get the possibility to work its way into your system.

2. Get a massive amount rest. It is often really tempting, particularly when things tend to be tense, to stay up really late. You want to get far more work done. Maybe you want to spend more time with your pals. Maybe there exists a television show you have been longing to catch. All these things lower the amount of rest that you are able to get. You have to have to give the body enough rest so that it will have the power to fight off any infections that want to set in. When you happen to be resting and asleep your system has a chance to do maintenance and make repairs. The more rest you get, the easier a time your system will have preventing illness and then getting rid of it if it happens to take hold of you anyway.

3. Make sure you are properly hydrated. In order to stay alive, you have to take in a minimum of sixty four ounces of water every day. Keeping correctly hydrated is what will help your system flush toxins out. If you don't get the correct hydration, germs hang out inside of you as opposed to being flushed out. Do not forget: your system can last about 7 days without eating solid food. Your entire body may only last a couple of days if you don't stay hydrated. Doesn't this kind of make the importance of suitable hydration hit home?

The common cold does not genuinely have a proper remedy. All you've got is good sense and taking preventative steps like washing your hands, getting enough rest and staying hydrated.

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