Autograph Biography of Mark Turgeon

By Mark Turgeon

My first autograph was from Dave Winfield of the New York Yankees. I was eight years old. I had never met anyone famous before and after that day, Dave felt like a hero to me.

As a kid I collected sports cards from baseball, football, hockey and basketball, but to get them signed by the athlete was another thing. I always enjoyed all sports from playing them and watching them on TV. I enjoy the sport of hockey the most and on my favorite team the Hartford Whalers. My official autograph collecting days started in Hartford, CT. I was a hardcore Whaler fan and would attend most home games and obtain autographs from the Whalers and the visiting teams.

I did this between the ages of 10 -17. In those seven years, I would feel a rush every time I got another autograph from a Hockey Superstar. My collection of hockey autographs consists of cards, photos, pucks, jerseys, sticks, and programs.

After the Hartford Whalers moved to North Carolina to become the Carolina Hurricanes, I began to have a great interest in collecting music autographs. I met many bands such as U2, The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, that have toured throughout Connecticut, New York, Boston, and even Canada.

All genres of music has always been a passion to me. I had a great interest in obtaining autographs from various artist and bands in all genres.

I still get that same rush I used to get as a kid, only now I sell some of the items I obtain as a supplemental income. To learn more about me and to view my authentic Rock n? Roll signature exemplars, please visit

Presently I reside in Los Angeles, CA and still continue to work with the best in the autograph industry as well as able to collect in all aspects. After many years of collecting and studying autographs I am able to determine if an autograph is genuine or fake. It's a shame of how may fake autographs are in the market, and it will continue to get worst, because some people are just greedy and have no respect for the industry.

I have recently decided to finish my college degree at California State University Northridge studying Geography. No matter what my future holds, I'll probably always be out there getting autographs on the side. Autograph collecting has been a hobby of mine for about 17 years. Nothing beats the anticipation, the excitement, and the stories that come out of those autograph nights. All the Best Mark Turgeon

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