Lho Udah Ga ke Banned Google

Wahahaha,,, alhamdulillaah banget,, rasanya hari ini penuh rejeki, tadi pagi gaji naik :-D hehe eh ga tau barusan googling kok ada link blog ini di hasil pencarian. Awalnya ga percaya sih, karna beberapa bulan ini ga keluar alias kepinalti ma google gara2 autopost, dan sempat dapat email bahwa blog ini akan dinonaktifkan sama pihak blogger, karna terlalu banyak spam, tapi tak bukti.in ternyata udah keluar beneran di pencarian,, hehe syukurlah,,, :-P

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Request to Remove link on this blog?

Hii all,,
a few days ago I received a lot of emails to date, to remove the link on this blog, easy, please write an email to a[at]eggoez.com with the subject  Help to Remove Link

if you're email subject not true, i'm ignore you email.. 
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Stop Posting Now

Postingan otomatis aku stop karena kemarin dapet finallti dari google :P
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Happy B'day Me

Kadang aku tidak pernah merasa, ketika ia berangsur-angsur meninggalkanku dan menyisakan banyak kenangan, kenangana indahm hingga kenangan akan kekuranganku. Yang ku tahu ia tak kan kembali, tanpa kusadari dan hanya mereka yang mengambil pelajaran yang akan menemukan atas makna kehadiranya. Ya Allah jadikanlah aku ini orang yang mempu menjadikan setiap umurnya adalah nafas perjuangan kehidupan. Semoga dengan bertambahnya usiaku menjadikan hidupku lebih hidup dan bertambah berkah usiaku..amien.. :)
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Personal Bankruptcy

By Virginia Whitehead

Facing a financial crisis could be one of the most difficult times in a person's life. More often than not, people tend to file for bankruptcy, as a means to come out of the situation. It is always preferable that the bankruptcy is handled by an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Since dealing with finance does require specialized knowledge, it is something that is best handled by professionals in the field.

For some, they will get a bankruptcy dismissal without prejudice meaning they can file again at any time. Usually, this is because the person failed to provide all of their documentation required by the bankruptcy court. Sometimes the person won't provide copies of their back taxes or pay stubs. Some misplace or leave out a page of the bankruptcy petition. For the bankruptcy filing to move forward, all documents must be submitted to the bankruptcy court to be forwarded to the trustee. The bankruptcy court will mail out a letter to the individual filing bankruptcy explaining the missing document with an amount of time they have to turn it in. If they don't, the bankruptcy will be dismissed. One other thing many people have forgotten was to take the post bankruptcy financial management course and submit the completion certificate to the bankruptcy court. Some of them take the course and fail to submit the proper documentation which causes their bankruptcy to be dismissed before the bankruptcy discharge. This is just foolish after going through all the hassles of the entire process and forgetting to submit one small thing.

Another thing that can cause a dismissal of a bankruptcy filing is not submitting all the documentation that the bankruptcy trustee will ask for. When necessary the trustee will ask the individual filing at the meeting of the creditors were 341 meeting to submit additional information. Sometimes, a bankruptcy trustee will ask for additional documentation or proof of someone's employment or maybe property. If the person fails to submit it, they will have a deficiency notice sent out for their bankruptcy filing that gives the individual a certain timeframe to reply with the documentation needed. If the person doesn't send this in, their bankruptcy will be dismissed. That's why the bankruptcy attorney will usually tell their client to make sure and open everything the bankruptcy court might send them.

Many of these mistakes are avoided when the client has a bankruptcy attorney that they have a great relationship with. If the individual get something in the mail they can call the attorney and ask how to proceed. Or if something is missing that the filer needs to provide, the attorney or their staff will call before it becomes a problem. This is an available to those that file a do-it-yourself bankruptcy and this is why many of them will have a stack of problems to deal with if they are to get their bankruptcy discharge.

Filing for bankruptcy could be one of the most emotionally taxing experiences. You need to find a lawyer who would fully understand your state of mind and offer you a sympathetic hearing. The attorney should also show a ready willingness to answer any questions that you may have about the case. You must never make the mistake of hiring the services of a bankruptcy attorney just because he or she lives down the street in your neighborhood. You need to remember that we live in a day and age where location is no longer a constraint for smooth communication. The criteria for hiring the services of an attorney should be only competency and nothing else.

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Employee Engagement - How Could It Help Generate Earnings On Your Company

By Ava N. Moore

You have witnessed it come about many times. An organization that gives top salary and rewards manages to lose a fantastic employee to a competitor with no obvious reason. Obviously, a few employee turnovers can be predicted, but in case your firm is genuinely engaging your employees, there isn't any valid reason for the unforeseen loss of quality employees. A lot of companies already know that wages and rewards are essential to employees, but payment alone isn't adequate to have the highly skilled, motivated and knowledgeable staff your business needs to excel.

What is employee engagement really? Employee engagement is the commitment level and participation a staff member has when it comes to their business and its values.

The main actions of engaged employees are talking positively concerning the organization to coworkers, possible employees and clients, having a powerful desire to be a member of this company, and exerting additional energy to give rise to the organization's success. Several smart businesses work to build and nurture engagement. It is very important note; the employee engagement process will require a two-way relationship in between employer and employee.

An organization's capacity to manage employee engagement is closely related to its capability to attain high performance levels and superior business outcomes.

Engaged employees will remain with the organization; end up being an ally of the company and its particular products and services, and give rise to bottom line business success. Engaged employees likewise normally accomplish better and so are more inspired. There's a significant link between employee engagement and success. Employee engagement is critical to the firm that looks for not only to retain valued staff, but additionally improve its level of performance.

Nothing is more discouraging to workers than to get asked for his or her suggestions to see no activity toward resolution of their problems. Perhaps the smallest measures taken to address concerns will let your staff know that their feedback is appreciated. Feeling appreciated will boost spirits, inspire and encourage future feedback.

Having action starts with listening to employee comments. Then this data needs to be examined. Next, a definitive plan of action will have to be set up and finally, change is going to be implemented. It is important that employee engagement isn't considered a onetime stage. Employee engagement needs to be a continuing process of calibrating, analyzing, defining and putting into action.

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